IWIWIW – What Are You Doing at 2am?

If you have no idea what this is all about, you can either refer back to this post, or I could just tell you that “IWIWIW” stands for “I Wish I Wrote It Wednesday” and I’m pretty sure you can figure it out.

I Wish I Wrote:

By Average Joe of The Free Financial Advisor on December 17, 2012

Why I Wish I Wrote It:

When I first read the post, I immediately retweeted it so that I could easily find it again. Back then I had the idea of IWIWIW brewing in my head and I knew that this post would be one of the first things I’d give my props to.  Why? Because a month later, the comment I left that day still rings 100% true.


I still eat like I do, and sleep like I do, BUT I haven’t been working like I do. I’ve only worked 7 hours at my PT job since Christmas, instead of 15-20 hours a week (no, I didn’t quit; there just hasn’t been shifts). And you know what? I can feel myself changing.  It’s slow… but I’m sort of starting to feel like “me” again.  I haven’t felt like “me” since June!  It’s a great feeling!

Until I look at my bank account.

I’m fortunately not in a desperate situation, but I certainly don’t like the situation I’m in. Something has to change, but change is scary and hard! Sometimes I don’t think I have it in me, but then I think about the woman that called into to the radio show and know that I can either change something, or end up like her – desperate, defensive and in debt.

I have a lot of things I want to accomplish in my life (101 of which are what started this blog), but I always seem to have more excuses then motivation. I’m envious that Average Joe made the changes he did, while in college no less.  Here I am, nearly 30 and I’m still “sleeping at 2 am”.

Introducing IWIWIW

I Wish I Wrote It Wednesdays.

A new (hopefully) weekly feature here on my blog.

In my brain, this was a brilliant, new, 100% unique idea … but Google tells me that it’s not. Damn! But anyways, in case the title doesn’t completely give it away, the idea is I’m going to post something that I wish I wrote on Wednesdays. It could be an article, blog post, book, song, email, note, tweet, whatever – as long it resonates with me in some way.

The purpose is of course to share the brilliant things that I come across in my life with all the lucky people that read my blog, but there are also selfish reasons: those being to (hopefully) attract/retain more readers, to give me more direction with what I write, and of course, to keep me writing.

So… here we go with my IWIWIW debut!

I Wish I Wrote:


by AG of Regected Riter on September 22, 2011.

Why I Wish I Wrote It:

Well for one, it’s quite witty and humorous, and I am neither of those things. But I am a former theatre major (and aspiring writer?), so I can relate to being asked “So when are you gonna be on the Broadway?”  Silly people… I was on already on Broadway!  See:


Ok, so maybe not quite.  Regardless, this post is GOLD! I’ve often made fun of/rolled my eyes at what’s passing for musicals these days, and love how this guy blatantly points out just how ridiculous it is. I could rant and rave about how these types of musicals are the equivalent of reality tv shows, and that theatre should be a tool to educate and not lower itself to the lowest common denominator to please the masses and sell as much crappy merchandise as possible, but I won’t.

Although I will never be a fan of the “dartboard” approach to writing musicals, if it’s gets people to see live theatre, then Bring It On! (See what I did there? Because they made the cheer-leading movie in a musical?… Anyone?… No?… Okay I’ll stop.)

If you ever have a recommendation for IWIWIW, please let me know!
