How My Teeth Caused a Coworker to Quit

I purposely booked my wisdom teeth surgery for a Thursday before a long weekend so that I had  5 full days to recover, and only miss 2 days of work.  But when Monday (Family Day for us Ontarians) rolled around, it was clear that I was in no shape to go back to work on Tuesday as planned – especially not for a 13 hour day (9am-5pm at my “regular” Education job, and then 6-10pm to Stage Manage the rehearsal) considering I hadn’t even been awake for a total of 13 hours combined in the 4 days prior!  Had their not been rehearsal that night, my bosses wouldn’t even notice I wasn’t there, but of course, stage managing is always more important then my actual job or my physical (and mental) well-being…

I debated going in for the evening only, but my coworker who was also looking after me sensibly convinced me not to push it. So I called in sick, had major guilt about it, and had a restless night full of anxiety dreams.

I knew there was no one easily available to fill in for me for rehearsal. I knew that it would fall on “G”, another co-worker who’s had to pseudo-fill-in for me before.  I knew she wasn’t going to be able to do it (she works 3 other jobs to support her currently disabled husband and 2 kids).  And I knew my boss would yell at her for not being available (because he’s done it before, not 2 weeks ago).

What I didn’t know is that this would be the last straw for G.  I didn’t know that she would march into our bosses office and hand-over her 2 weeks notice. One boss tried to get to her to reconsider, while the other threw a temper tantrum like the full-grown man-child he is.

I finally had the chance to talk to G this afternoon, and she reassured me that she doesn’t blame me for any of this, but I still feel guilty. If I’d sucked it up and went to work, the boss wouldn’t have been on a rampage, wouldn’t have taken it out on her, and she would still have this job.

Chances are that it was only a matter of time before he flipped out at her over something else and she would be out the door anyways, but playing the middle-man in this scenario sucks.  Mostly because I wish I had the guts to walk out the door with her.

My $2000 Valentine’s Day “Trip”

Provided the scheduling feature on WordPress is working correctly, as you read this, I am on a Valentine’s Day trip that is costing me about $2000.
Ok that’s a lie because I’ll be reimbursed $1500.

And because I’m probably at home lying on my couch.

So what’s with all the lies and deception??!?!?

I’m on drugs.


Or at least I will be when this post goes live.

I hope.

Why, you ask?  Because Liz Lemon, that’s why.

Yes, I scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed on Valentine’s Day. My boyfriend is currently on the other side of the planet, so I figured I’d be lying on my couch watching movies all alone anyways, I might as well be heavily sedated too.

The dentist guy told me that I’m going to need at least 5 days to recover as one tooth is growing into a nerve (FUN!).  In Ontario, it’s a long weekend (Monday is Family Day), so I only had to burn 2 vacation days to get 5 days off.  It’s pretty sad that I have to have minor surgery just to get more than Sunday off of work.

Also, I have health benefits at my current job, but as you know, I’m looking for a new job.  Who knows if/when I’ll have benefits again, so I wanted to get these suckers out of my face while I’m still covered (and hope there’s not going to be issues if I end up resigning shortly thereafter).

So if I disappear from the Internet for a few days, there is no need to send help (unless it’s in the form of Ryan Gosling).  More likely, though, if I post, comment, and/or Tweet things that just don’t make any sense, just pretend it does ok?